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"For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." I lived on the banks of a river . . . and it captured my attention. These are my observations about the parallels between my life...and the river.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Moving and Chronic Migraine

        Moving has a way of making you feel stupid.  Have you ever gotten up in the morning, gone into your new kitchen and stood there dumbly, unable to remember which cupboard to turn to for a glass?  Well, add chronic migraine to the equation, and the feeling goes on for weeks!

        I have now been in my new home for four weeks and I can finally move around my kitchen almost seamlessly!  It’s not quite like being in my own kitchen, it’s more like being in a friend’s kitchen where you’ve been often enough to have a good idea of where things are, so you only open the wrong cupboard about every other time.  :-)  


        It’s something you celebrate often when you live with chronic pain.  It’s the little things we used to take for granted.  Like this morning.  Being able to get up quite easily, without having to take it in stages.  If only today was a work day my week would have been so much easier!!  And yet, part of me feels guilty for being excited that I feel so good and it’s a Saturday – MY day!! 

        But this is the first Saturday since I moved in that I’ve felt good so I have MUCH housework to do!